Sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1
Sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1

So often used is this tactic that most carru herders agree that it is an instinct of the species.Ĭarru herds are led by one or more adult males, with up to three females per adult male. If they are able to, male carru will use their horns to grapple and then toss targets to the ground, where they are trampled by other carru. Their standard tactic is to charge, then gore an opponent.

sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1

Their soft hide is furred and colored in varying shades of dun grey or brown.Ĭarru are not aggressive creatures on the whole, although the males can be quite hostile when the herd is threatened. The adult carru is ten feet long and weighs as much as 400 pounds. The leather will rot in contact with alcohol, however, so carru hide is unsuitable for the fashioning of wineskins. The average hump holds 1d6+2 pints of water at any given time and can be used to make a waterskin of similar capacity. The carru‘s hump, though used for water storage, does not inflate or deflate like a camel‘s. The thicker hide of the skull is a component in many leather and hide armors and is also highly suited as a shield covering. Carru hide is soft and supple and holds a dye well, so it is used in the making of clothing, furniture, tents and the like. Carru make excellent beasts of burden, dragging plows and turning water and grain mills.

sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1

This is less for females (only 200 lbs), but they are seldom killed for their meat, as they are potentially much more valuable as milk producers. A male can yield as much as 250 lbs of meat. The females produce a nourishing, creamy milk (as much as three gallons per day), and both sexes are slaughtered for their meat. With many products and resources being derived from it, the carru is a staple of Athasian life. *Note that a lesser boneclaw can only use its poison if it successfully grapples its target.Ī strain of humped cattle with a bony skull and drab hide, these animals move in a wandering herd, longhorned males protecting short-horned females and young. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 10, initial damage 1d6 Con, secondary damage 1d6 Con.

sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1

*Lesser boneclaws receive a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks. If it succeeds at the grapple check it may gnaw at the wound, injecting its poison.


Improved Grab (Ex): If a lesser boneclaw hits with its bite it may initiate a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. This instinct unites the entire pack, which subsequently attacks all foes, only fleeing when 80% or more of the boneclaws have been slain. If initial attacks of this kind do not deter opponents, the lesser boneclaw overcomes its natural timidity and is possessed by a swarming instinct. If successful, the boneclaw will gnaw at the wound, its poisonous saliva flooding the target with toxins. When the boneclaw does bite, however, it will attempt to grapple. The lesser boneclaw is extremely timid and will flee to avoid combat, only attacking if cornered. The young are red-brown, green, yellow or orange, but these colors uniformly fade to a sandy-grey with age. Lesser boneclaws average 2 feet in length and weigh 25 pounds. In the wild, boneclaw packs will move away once a greater boneclaw has been born. This solitary child is invariably a greater boneclaw, a voracious psionic mutation that will attempt to devour all that moves.

sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1

Boneclaw females usually bear litters of 2d3 young but occasionally a solitary offspring is born. The water is contaminated with the same poison present in the boneclaw‘s bite and must be purified or neutralized before it can be safely ingested. Boneclaw flesh is also edible and up to 4 pints of water can be harvested from the creature‘s water-sac (located beneath its back armoring). The boneclaw has a poisonous bite that makes it a valuable and economical alternative to larger, more fearsome guardians. The Athasian nobility also domesticates them as vermin hunters or beasts of burden. This timid omnivore dwells in the rocky wastes of the Tablelands, scurrying here and there in search of food, always hoping to avoid the attention of a larger predator. The animal’s eyes and fanged maw peer through openings in the head armor and a squat tail emerges from the rear. This creature is a hunched reptilian quadruped only two feet in length, most of its features hidden by thick, bony armor. Dyrene i fet skrift er spesielle for Athas og vil bli beskrevet under. Her er en liste over animal companions for druider i Dark Sun.

Sunrider mask of arcadius beta 7.1